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The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Streaming VPS

Video content is the most popular type of content by a mile, but that’s not exactly news. Of course, that also doesn’t make it any less true. Video is our content of choice, and that’s not going to change anytime soon (unless there’s a VR revolution tomorrow). 

I don’t think it’s wrong to say streaming is here to stay, and it’s only going to get more popular. But it’s not just about watching videos. YouTube, TikTok, and a host of other platforms have made video content creators of everyone. So, creating and sharing your videos is old hat to most of us. But what if you want to go beyond posting stuff on YouTube? What if you want to let people stream your videos more directly? It’s no secret that YouTube has all sorts of regulations in place, and its feed algorithms mean it won’t be easy for people to find your videos unless you’re a celebrity blogger. 

You may not know that there are other ways to provide your video content for people to stream. There are some video streaming hosting providers like Wistia, for example, sure, but that is not what I’m talking about here. I’m speaking about creating your own streaming server. With your own streaming server, you can place your videos on your own server and stream them however you want and to whomever you want. So, in the spirit of DIY and freedom of video streaming, here’s a nifty little article that lays out how you can make your own video streaming server for very little money.

First, I’ll take a minute to go through some basic definitions, to make sure we’re all on the same page. There is also some stuff that can help you do things better down the line, so I suggest you bear with me for a moment. Of course, if in a hurry, you can always skip ahead to the instructions on making your streaming VPS server.

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